Andi Pearson Unravels Mysteries at a Special Writer's Event
On Monday, December 5th at 6 pm, Read Write and Brew, Golden’s independent coffee/book shop, presents Unraveling Mysteries: An Anthology on Women and Aging.
I’ll be at that event to hear author Andi Pearson read her essay. This is a book written for women, by women, with the writers’ perspectives expressed in essays or poetry.
Listening to authors reading their own words and understanding their contrasting viewpoints is something to look forward to, but I must admit I’m especially excited about this event because Andi Pearson is one of the authors.
Andi is a talented writer who is hard at work finishing her own novel.
She has a wide range of interests that includes service to her community. Because she loves books and writing, she gives generously of her time and energy to other writers. For nearly four years she has coordinated author readings in Golden. At last count, she had arranged readings for over 22 writers.
Andi did this as a free service, as a great gift and benefit for writers and readers.
She has given me support as a writer for as long as I’ve known her, and now I want to be there to savor her moment of triumph with her.
I first met Andi a few years ago. I’d read her book reviews in the Denver Post’s Your Hub and I liked the clarity of her writing. I asked her to review my book, Arthur Collins and the Three Wishes, but Andi felt that her niche was literary fiction. Even though she wasn’t able to review my young adult novel, we found that we had a common interest in Arthurian legend, and soon I was attending the writer’s readings that Andi had organized in Golden.
Over the years our shared interests in our families, reading, and writing helped us to encourage and support each other as we moved forward with our lives and our writing. Recently she wrote the introduction to my book, Bridging the Book: Arthur Collins and the Three Wishes, a companion/guide book that uses narration, role-playing and readings to guide children through the story’s plot.
On Monday December 5th, at 6pm, it’s time for the comfort of some wit, wisdom and women writers solving the mystery of aging for us. Unraveling Mysteries gives women some candid thoughts on aging. And we really need them, because our preoccupation with aging is apparent.
Look through any fashion magazine, and you come face to face with a culture obsessed with youth and beauty. Every page frightens us with visions of perfect models. On the other hand are specialty catalogs aimed at women over fifty. Here the pretty models have been replaced with products with sky-high prices and promises to undo the ravages of time.
Bring your sister, your mother, or your friends, enjoy the reading, and have a warm drink and a cookie at Read Write and Brew.
Visit Andi Pearson’s blog to learn more about her writing and the writing events she has organized in Golden.
Directions: Read Write and Brew is in the Golden Ridge Shopping Center at 720 Golden Ridge Road Unit D . You can reach it on Route 6 at Heritage Road. Turn left onto Heritage Road, make the first left at ABC Car Wash and then a left into the shopping area. The bookshop is near the El Tapatio Restaurant. 303-945-7447