The Castle Herald
Every Picture Tells A Story

Vote for Me & Help Change the World! The Courage to Try.

For a writer, especially a writer involved in a business with various aspects, a blog can be the means to address and connect the paths the writer is taking.

Although the reasons she takes on an unusual writing task may be unclear to readers and observers, to the  writer, there is a plan. Or, at least she sees a reason to make an effort, to take a chance, and to move in a certain direction.

Some of a writer’s disparate goals can seem without direction, and to be honest, some of the efforts a writer makes are wasted effort, and can be followed with a …” well, it would have been great if it had worked out”.

In a sense, that is what life is like for everyone… a scientific experiment that didn’t work out, but that was certainly worth trying.  A theory that had to be tested, and unfortunately, failed the test, and had to be re-thought.

Experience helps keep the wasted effort and the lost time to a minimum, but those losses can’t be eliminated, unless you decide not to take a chance, or hold back from every possibility of failure. Unless you have lost all faith in the possibility of success, or believe that the outcome of every competition is decided against you from the first…then you, the writer with goals, with hopes and dreams, must occasionally step out and try something totally different in order to accomplish those desired goals, to realize those secret hopes, and to make your dreams come true.

To others it seems like a waste of time, and effort.  It is a distraction, a scattering of your thought, a foolish use of precious energy. But to you, the writer, it is a chance, and one that takes a bit of faith. It is an act of courage.

The post, below these comments, was one of those efforts.

Thank you to anyone on face-book and Twitter who voted for me as a part of this effort; you helped me have the courage to try.

That courage to try is what every person needs to succeed. It is what a writer needs every day of their lives.


Dear Face Book friends & Twitter followers:

I need your votes; there are applicants who have thousands of votes already.  You on Twitter & facebook have the power that can help me catch up.  Please Retweet this to your followers. If you do,  by the end of the day I could be hundreds of votes ahead.  It takes just a moment..but time is short. Please help.


Want to help change some-body’s world? Want to improve the mood of millions?  Want to make your own world better?  It is simple. You can help me & Nature Made do this by clicking on the vote button below.

Click  on the Good Mood Gig button below to vote for City Castles & me, Linda Rash Pilkington, to be chosen to write 5 blog articles a week about maintaining a good mood for Nature Made. The blogs will address how improving mood gives us  more chances for happiness.  Vote Now!

Voting is over.